Introduction: Architects envision, design, and create habitats for people. The architecture program at Premier University prepares qualified students for careers in this comprehensive field. The focus of the program is on creativity, innovation, diversity and interactive skill development in design process. Course outline focused on making a strong foundation of art and design courses and to bring those skills and abilities into the design studio, combined with the study and applications of structures, construction technology, environmental systems, urban design and architectural history. The design studio is the ground where all the courses come together to form the professional experience of architecture.
OBJECTIVES OF THE B. ARCH PROGRAM: Premier University is a non-profit organization with an ambition to create professionals with a high competency level. Learning from the ongoing practice in the developed world and transforming the design idea with respect to local context can bring better environment. Bachelor of Architecture program is organized in such a way that students can acquire knowledge with better perception and satisfaction.
The B.Arch program focuses on skill development and knowledge accumulation in an interdisciplinary exchange manner. Students will learn how to create spaces as well as habitats with a desired environment. Philosophical background, ethno-geographic roots, environment concerned, economically viable and technically advanced learning approach gives it a pedagogic stand. The students will be exposed to a variety of general subjects at the junior level, often with moderate specialization. They have to go through a rigor of theory courses and studios to develop specific professional and academic competence.
The year-wise thematic sequence starts with exposing students to artistic skills and communication techniques, and general appreciation of art and culture, preparatory and basic theories, intermediate and advanced knowledge, environmental and contextual awareness, and professional knowledge and skills.
The foundation year of the
program helps students to build up their basic design skills and opens up their
level of imagination. It brings out the basic composition sense, artistic
orientation, creativity and awareness of the local context that build up the
ground for basic design understanding that will remain with the students
throughout their study and will be helpful in pursuing other courses. The
foundation year develops the students’ capacity to experience and acquire
knowledge through different media and methods.
The second year of the program is designed to let the students grasp the knowledge of different core areas-both basic theories and advanced or specialized knowledge. This starts with design theory and process, covering building design as an interactive investigation of human factors, environmental forces and technology.
While in the remaining years, students will interact with the practical problems in a local context where they will learn the nature and means of creating architecture. Students will learn how to work in a group while dealing with bigger scale projects like housing, master planning and thus add a new dimension into their academic career. Internship in the eighth semester will make students capable of understanding practical job market. In the final semester, students formulate and accomplish a terminal project or thesis. Working closely with their advisors, the students prepare programmatic statements, meet informally on a regular basis, and have formal periodic reviews throughout the year.
This curriculum has been designed carefully for imparting knowledge of architecture to the students so as to enable them to become future professionals. The supporting courses provide the basic knowledge of science, Commerce and Humanities that are essential for architectural education and to help students to enrich their skill development procedure. The program will also focus on their personal development as socially and environmentally aware citizens and lifelong learners.
Design of the Program: The Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch.) program extends over a period of five years divided into ten semesters. Each semester is of 18 working weeks duration where 14 weeks are assigned for the classes, 2 weeks for pre-examination leave and the remaining 2 weeks are for the examination. Normally 1 week of mid-term break is provided after 7 weeks of classes, which is followed by another 7 weeks of classes.
Each theory course is assigned 3 (three) or 2 (two) credits according to the size of detailed syllabus for each. The studios/ sessional are of 1.5 to 12 credits according to the level of the studio. There are also 2 (two) credits for professional practice theory course, 9 (nine) credits for internship, 12 credits for thesis/project and 1.5 credits project report. Thus a total of 208.5 credits are offered in this B.Arch Programme.
The curricula structure of the 5 year 208.5 credit B. Arch. program has several core courses including Foundation and supporting coursed (90 credit lecture, 99 credit studio), and few Optional Courses(19.5 credit). The foundation core courses are designed to equip the students with the basic knowledge and skills in the major architectural areas. The supporting courses provide the basic knowledge of science, commerce and humanities. The optional courses allow students to select advanced courses according to their particular interest in a given area of concentration.
The main component of the architectural subjects are the design studios. Related studio subjects are working drawings, landscape and interior design. To support them there are some studio courses in communications which include courses in graphic and digital media. In the 9th semester Seminar is offered to complement design studio work. The design studios carry a substantial amount of credits so that the emphasis remains on design.
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